A wonderful surprise was the appearance of the great Chopin Competition winner, Rafał Blechacz, in the audience. Apparently, he drove for 4 hours each way plus a night at the hotel to listen to our 15 minute concerto by living composer Philippe Manoury. Someone with such grand career playing classical music repertoires would take such interest and efforts to listen to contemporary music is really mind-blowing to me! And maybe it is some strange spin of the universe, now with all the special connections I feel with Poland and Chopin, I am studying Chopin more than ever in my life, and will be offering the premiere of a brand new program in NY next year Jan. at Le Poisson Rouge, called “Where is Chopin?” music by Jaroslaw Kapuscinski and Robert Schumann, with visuals, electronics and artificial intelligence program Antescofo.
Following Warsaw, I went straight to U.S., toured in Georgia and Florida, and met many wonderfully enthusiastic music lovers and lovely people.